November 16, 2022
Challock Parish Council
Parish Meeting
Wednesday, 16th November 2022, 7.30 pm
To be held in the main hall
Memorial Hall
- Apologies for absence
- Declarations of Interest
- Minutes of last meeting held on 12th October 2022.
- PCSO Report
- Clerk’s report
- Correspondence
- Finances
- Monthly Reconciliation October 2022
- Precept 2023
- Councillor Allowances
8. Planning Applications
9. Faversham Road Footpath
10. William Oure Charity
- Community Allotments & Community Orchard
- Rent Review
11. Lees Woodland Walk
- Ash Trees
- Items for Agenda
- Act of Remembrance
- Charles 111 Coronation
- Parish Forum
Under the open forum there is an opportunity for parishioners who wish to raise their concerns regarding matters of the village