AGM Parish Council Meeting

AGM Parish Council Meeting

May 4, 2022

Challock Parish Council

Parish Meeting AGM

Wednesday, 4th May 2022, 7.30pm

To be held in the main hall

Memorial Hall


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Minutes of last meeting held on 13th April 2022.
  4. Election of Chair
  5. Election of Vice Chair
  6. Election of Representatives
  7. PCSO Report
  8. Clerk’s report
  9. Correspondence
  10. Finances
  11. Monthly Reconciliation April 2022
  12. Internal Audit Report
  13. Planning Applications
  14. Faversham Road Footpath
  15. William Oure Fund
  16. Wildflower Areas & Woodland
  17. Queens Platinum Jubilee 3rd June Village Event
  18. Platinum Jubilee Tree Planting
  19. Boot Fair Funding Raising Event
  20. AOB
  21. Parish Forum

Under the open forum there is an opportunity for parishioners who wish to raise their concerns regarding matters of the village

Parish Council meetings are open for the public to attend and you will be very welcome. The public should not speak during the meeting, unless invited by the Chairman. However, you are welcome to discuss issues with the Council during the public session. If you wish to raise an issue to be discussed by the Council at a meeting, please contact the Parish Clerk (see below). Items must be received at least one week before the meeting.

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