Parish Councillor Vacancy

Parish Councillor Vacancy

November 28, 2023 December 29, 2023

Parish Councillor Vacancy

Do you care about the village you live in?

Do you want residents to have a say about what happens here?

Do you have a few hours per month to spare?

Can you be part of a proactive Parish Council?

If the answer is Yes and you want to find out about what Councillors do and how they go about it, please contact the Clerk on


Mobile: 07895494851.

If you are interested in becoming a parish Councillor, please write to the parish council (via the clerk) and include a few details of why you would like to become a Councillor


The Parish Council can now fill this vacancy by co-option, which is a process whereby the council considers applications from interested persons and can then select someone to fill the seat.

Closing Date 29th December 2023

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