June 15, 2023
Challock Parish Council
NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL, THAT WILL BE HELD ON THURSDAY 15 June 2023 at 19:30 at the Audrey Allen Room, Challock Memorial Hall. All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out in the agenda
Members of the public and press are invited to attend the meeting. Under the Openness of LocalGovernment Bodies Regulations 2014, attendees may be filmed, recorded, or otherwise reported about by anyone present. Unless advised otherwise, the council accepts no responsibility for data recorded in this way or its distribution
- Welcome & Apologies
To receive apologies for absence.
Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act 1972, s 85.
- Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests
To receive disclosure of any pecuniary interests relating to meeting agenda items.
Having declared an interest, a member must not participate in discussion on the matter and must not take part in any vote unless an appropriate dispensation has been granted.
Relevant Legislation: Localism Act 2011, s 31.
- Approval of Minutes
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the council held on Thursday 18th May 2023.
Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 41 (1).
- Standing Orders & Financial Regulations
To review and adopt Standing Orders & Financial Regulations for 2023-24.
- Clerk’s report
To receive a report from the Clerk outlining actions taken following the last meeting
- Correspondence
To discuss any circulated matters
- Financial Matters Bank Account Balances and Reconciliation
To approve and sign the bank account balances and reconciliations for May 2023
Authorisation of Payments
A schedule of supplier payments is presented for council resolution to authorise payment.
Relevant Legislation: Accounts & Audit Regulations 2015
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return
Confirmation of Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability has been displayed on the Notice Boards and Parish Council Website.
Forester Reconciliation & Molash Contributions
To approve Forester Reconciliation and Molash Contributions Invoice.
- Highways Matters & Highway Improvement Plan
- Faversham Road Footpath Scheme
To resolve KCC Ward Councillor Charlie Simkins request to the Council if the footpath expenditure of £5000 allocated will be required.
2. Community Speed Watch Scheme
To hear of an update on the community Speed Watch Scheme
3. To resolve any further action following the resident’s complaint concerning speeding traffic and noise pollution.
4.Proposal from ABC to remove unnecessary street lighting
To comment on the proposed list of street lights to be removed
Relevant Legislation: Highways Act 1980
- Planning Applications
To consider planning policies, applications and appeals received and resolve to submit comments where appropriate. Please note that any applications received following the issue of this agenda will be considered.
- PA/2023/0850 1 Kiln Close, Challock, Ashford, Kent TN25 4DA
Proposed single-storey side extension to the East elevation, additional drop kerb to create in & out driveway, internal alterations & updated fenestration. This is in addition to the previously approved application REF. 22/00026/AS which hasn't yet been started.
2. PA/2023/0940 Land on SW side of Halfway House PH Roundabout, Canterbury Road, Challock, TN25 4BJ
The proposed erection of no.8 dwellings, with associated access, parking, and landscaping; including the provision of open space
Relevant legislation: Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
- Funding 1. The government’s Community Ownership Fund has now been updated to accept applications from parish councils to help communities.
Council to receive an update and resolve next steps
2. Under the Kent Plan Tree, there are opportunities for funding for potential community orchards and small woodlands.
Council to receive an update and resolve next steps
- Public Participation
The council meets and makes its decisions in public. A council meeting is not a public meeting. It is a meeting held in public and there is no requirement in law which allows members of the public to speak at such meetings.
However, the council is keen to encourage public attendance at meetings and will therefore provide an opportunity for local registered electors to show they are committed to community engagement.
A maximum of 5 minutes is allowed per person to speak, and the total length of time afforded for public participation at each meeting shall be no more than 20 minutes, subject to an extension of this time, in exceptional circumstances, being agreed by the Chairperson.
Relevant Legislation: Local Government Act, s 100.
- Items to be placed on the next Agenda
Any items to be emailed to: clerk@challockparishcouncil.gov.uk no later than Tuesday,11th July 2023
- The date of the next Ordinary Parish Council meeting will be Thursday, 20 July 2023